Colors that Sell: Tried and Tested Color Schemes

Colors that Sell
Tried & Tested Color Schemes
65% of purchasing decisions involve color.
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$14.99 - Find out more below!Access the most successful colors used in the international marketplace today and get a competitive edge with these color schemes. You’ll find the most successful colors for your needs in any of the sixty distinct color combinations – from the basic “red and white” of Xerox to the inventive “purple and orange” of FedEx and Levitra.
Explore the 58 powerful color schemes and choose the one that communicates the messages and meanings for your design.
This e-book is a PDF. You can read it it on any tablet, mobile device, or computer.
What’s included:
Each of the 58 color schemes includes large color swatches with RGB/Hex formulas and an example of a simple design.
The symbolism of the color combination – Powerful messages and positive meanings
Examples of companies and/or products that use the color combination as brand identity today
Our customers write:
“Oh and I mean it! The book is just great for visual identity projects, where you need a handy reference guide to color.” … A. Rochelle
“Until I came across your e-books I was only vaguely aware of the importance of color schemes. Now I understand that with the right color combinations, I can ensure that my company conveys the message I would liketo bring across to my customers.” … G. Greyling
“I really like this ebook – thanks for putting it together, it’s given me some great ideas.” … S.Whitehead
Colors that Sell: Tried and Tested Color Schemes
Digital Format | E-Book
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140 pages
100+ illustrations of 58 color schemes
Looking for more?
Enroll in a sensational online course about color from Professor Jill Morton. Study at your own pace and become a color symbolism pro!
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